State Treasurer Candidate to Speak at Beadle County Democratic Forum

The South Dakota Democratic Party candidate for State Treasurer Aaron Matson will be the guest speaker at the District 22 Democratic Forum scheduled for Noon on Thursday, August 23. The program will be held at the Huron Event Center.

Matson currently serves as communications director for the South Dakota Democratic Party. He was previously a reporter for the Watertown Public Opinion and a Lutheran pastor in the Watertown and Brookings areas.

He hold a PhD in political science from the University of South Dakota-Vermillion. 

During college Matson interned at Sen. Tim Johnson’s Aberdeen office and for the South Dakota Democratic Party during the 2002 Legislative Session. He was also a candidate for the State Legislature that fall.

Matson will face Republican Josh Haeder of Huron. 

(Beadle County Democratic Party)