Under the terms of the federal Affordable Care Act, states have to develop health insurance exchanges, where people who otherwise wouldn’t be covered, can get health insurance. South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard says they are making some moves…
Daugaard says the state has been working on electronic records, especially for Medicaid patients….
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2012/09/Dennis-Daugaard-924b.mp3|titles=Dennis Daugaard 924b]If states do not want to run the exchanges themselves, they can allow the federal government to do it. Daugaard says that’s still being studied…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2012/09/Dennis-Daugaard-924c.mp3|titles=Dennis Daugaard 924c]Many provisions in the health care reform take effect next year.