Governor Dennis Daugaard says South Dakota is preparing for the implementation of Federal Health Care Reform. The sweeping reforms have been repealed by the US House and is now being considered by the US Senate. Establishing Health Care Exchanges is a required part of the new reforms. Daugaard penned his name along with many other Governors on a letter Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels sent to US Health and Human Services Director Kathleen Sebilius…
While Daugarrd endorsed Daniels letter telling H-H-S to create the exchanges for states, itself the Governor believes South Dakota would be better served to set-up the exchange in-house…
[audio:|titles=exchanges2]He says the Federal Governments one-size-fits-all approach to the Reforms wont work…
[audio:|titles=exchanges3]Daugaard says 40 to 50-thousand addition Medicaid enrollees would be added to the program in South Dakota which is one of many reasons he is opposed to the Health Care Reform Package.