State Of The Schools Held Thursday

The State of the Schools Luncheon was held Thursday at the Huron Events Center. Attendees got a glimpse at the ever changing educational landscape around Huron. Huron School Superintendent Terry Nebelsick touched on the expanding demographics of the public schools. Nearly one-third of the Huron Public Schools is minority students with just over 650 English as a second language students. With that expansion, Nebelsick says the District is looking at the need for elementary school expansion, and revealed the plan for paying for nearly 20-million dollars in renovations….


The expansion project involves the renovation of existing elementary schools…


Nebelsick encourages those who want more information on the Koch Hazard Facilities report should go to the Huron Schools Website and view the November 6th School Board Meeting where the Sioux Falls Architect firm presented the plan to the Board. Also speaking at the luncheon were Father Terry Anderson of Holy Trinity Catholic School, Lud Holm of James Valley Christian and Steve Oschner of the Huron Community Campus