State Health Official Warning Of "Nasty" Flu Season

flu shotThe public was caught a bit off guard recently when the Centers for Disease Control announced this year’s flu shot may not be as effective this year.  That has state health officials like Epidemiologist Dr. Lon Kightlinger warning the public to brace for what could be a nasty flu season…


He says influenza is a very volatile, tricky virus that’s always evolving.  He says, at best, health officials can normally stay one season ahead of it but that this year a new strain began circulating…


And for that reason they’re still encouraging everyone to get the flu shot…


Dr. Kightlinger says that South Dakota is still at sporadic levels with just 9 cases of influenza reported, however, he expects the worst is yet to come with the Southern states already getting hit hard with the virus…


Kightlinger says most at risk are seniors with the H-3 virus and babies who cannot be vaccinated.