State Fair To Increase Security During 2014 Event


State FairLook for more presence from police at this year’s South Dakota State Fair….


State Fair Manager Jerome Hertel says the State Fair ended the most recent fiscal year again in positive territory, but did not give the Huron City Commission specifics on how much money the State Fair made during the 2013 event. He did says being in the black is helping the fair catch up on maintenance…


Commissioner Byran Smith complemented Hertel on the completion of the Coyote Corner Campground restroom. Hertel says additional campground restroom improvements are on a list submitted to the state….


The State Fair gets 268-thousand dollars in general fund appropriations. The 2014 State Fair has approximately 400 vendors lined up to participate plus a number of free shows, performances and political debates. Hertel says 1600 of the State Fair’s camping spaces are spoken for but adds a number of camping areas are still available. The State Fair manager updates the Huron City Commission on Fairgrounds activities twice each year.