State Fair Continues To Show Gains

South Dakota State Fair manager Jerome Hertel presented a semi-annual update to the Huron City Commission Monday night. Hertel says 400 Airstream campers just left the camping areas of the fairgrounds as the 2013 Wally Byum Caravan Club International Airstream Rally concluded last weekend. With the success of the the Airstream Rally the State Fair is looking to attract more events for campers….


The State Fairgrounds hosts around 82 events throughout the year. Hertel expects nearly 20,000 visitors for the Red Power Round Up event to be held in 2014 and officials are working to secure the National Junior High Finals Rodeo for 2016 and 17. The Wheel Jam event actually saw increased revenue despite lower attendance compared to 2012…


However Hertel say State Fair staff are going to take a step back and look at the future of the Outdoor Expo…


As for the big show, prep for the State Fair is well underway. Work done on the Fairgrounds includes a new roof for the Hippodrome. Work to seal the grandstand is also underway. Hertel is hopeful the Fair can reach it’s attendance goal this year…


Hertel did not give specific numbers to the Huron City Commission in his presentation but did say the Fair ended the fiscal year on June 30th in the black. He also mentioned that free entertainment is continuing to come together. The State Fair announced Monday, Gwen Sebastian, from the second season of N-B-C singing show “The Voice” will perform on the Freedom Stage on Sunday September 1st.