State Developmental Center In Redfield Focus Of Legislature's Executive Board This Summer

The state developmental center in Redfield will get a lot of attention this summer. The Executive Board of the Legislature has set up a sub-committee headed by Senator Jean Hunhoff, to look at the operations of the center.  Hunhoff says there will also be a couple of studies done by the Department of Social Services, who over sees the center…

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Hunhoff says their committee will wait for the social services study to finish…

[audio:|titles=Jean Hunhoff 503b]

Hunhoff says this year’s studies all spring from meetings they held about the Redfield center last summer…

[audio:|titles=Jean Hunhoff 503c]

At its peak, around 12-hundred patients were being served on the Redfield campus back in 1963.



(courtesy WNAX Yankton)