Spring Clean Up Next Week in Huron

Last night, the city commission announced that the city rubble site will be open extended hours to allow residents to dispose of certain non-hazardous waste items.

All you need is your current utility bill, the bill due in April, to use the site. The extended hours are:

Thursday, April 12th, and Friday, April 13th  8:00 am-6:00 pm and Saturday, April 14th 8:am to 5:00pm

Unlimited disposal of the following will be allowed:

Household garbage, tires, metal, freon units, appliances, trees, wood, electronics, car batteries and rubble, such as mattresses, furniture, carpet and construction material.

Hazardous waste, including liquid paints, paint thinner, chemicals, lithium batteries, ant-freeze and compressed gases aren’t allowed.

Businesses are excluded.

Please call 353-8542 if you have nay questions.

The Solid Waste Dept. will be switching to full days on Saturdays at the rubble site. Beginning this Saturday the new hours are 8am to 4:15pm.