The former Huron University Campus is beginning to look like a swimming pool complex. Huron City Engineer Mike Wever gave the Huron City Commission an update on a number infrastructure projects across the city, including the Splash Central pool at Central Park. Wever showed the Commission photos of the progress. Concrete panels that will make up the floor of the 50-meter competition pool are being poured. Wever says work on the pools mechanical building is also moving along…
Footing have been installed for a walking bridge that will go over the Lazy River. Wever also added that anchors for the “Wibbets” have been installed. Mayor Dave McGirr explained the Wibbet…
[audio:|titles=poolprog2]The bath house is also taking shape…
[audio:|titles=poolprog3]Wever says the West parking lot is almost ready for asphalt. McGirr says the Splash Central Water Park is on schedule if not slightly ahead of schedule although the contractors are moving around slightly in regards to the building timeline. Splash Central is still on track to be completed and open in less than a year.