Splash Central Saves Huron $89,000 By Taking $11,000 Loss

Huron Mayor Paul Aylward gave his first State of the City Address Thursday. Among the laundry list of infrastructure projects and numbers, Aylward highlighted the final numbers for the first year of Splash Central, Huron’s 12-point-five million dollar replacement to the city’s 40-plus year old municipal pool. Aylward says the water park and associated Campus Center community building exceeded expectations. Splash Central took in 560-thousand, 342 dollars in it’s short five month season. The Campus Center to date has brought in 23-thousand, 554-dollars, with two and a half months to go….


Aylward says while negative numbers are never good, it’s far better than what the old pool was costing the city….


Cool rainy weather plagued Splash Central’s opening on Memorial Day weekend at at other times during the summer and the park couldn’t take more advantage of hot weather during the South Dakota State Fair due to a lack of lifeguards, most of whom are high school students who were back in class. 2878 Season Passes were purchased for the swimming season at Splash Central this year.