Seven outstanding women have been nominated by their communities to be honored at the Spirit of Dakota’s 33rd Anniversary Celebration and Award Banquet in Huron. They are Evelyn Blum, Aberdeen; Mary Gates, Pierre; Amber Rae Hulse, Sioux Falls; Ruby McMillam Johannsen, Huron; Rhonda Kludt, Huron; Jo Vitek, Watertown; Mary Helen Wipf, Huron.
South Dakota’s premier woman’s award will be presented Saturday, Oct. 5, at the Huron Event Center.
The winner will be chosen by a statewide commission of First Gentleman Bryon Noem, Pierre; Tona Rozum, Chair, Mitchell; Glenna Fouberg, Aberdeen; Julie Garreau, Eagle Butte; Jean Hunhoff, Yankton; Suzette Kirby, Sioux Falls; Marsha Sumpter, Kadoka; Ginger Thomson, Brookings; Judy Trzynka, Watertown; and Bev Wright, Turton.
The award is given to a woman who has demonstrated vision, courage and strength of character in the development of her family, community and/or state.