Spink Area Support Network Among SDCF Grant Recipients

Round 2 of the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) 2019 Community Innovation Grant (CIG) program has been completed. Fourteen South Dakota nonprofits will receive grant awards. Offered in partnership with the Bush Foundation, the Community Innovation Grant program supports efforts to find breakthrough solutions to community challenges across the state.

 “The South Dakota Community Foundation received twenty-nine applications in Round 2 and selected these fourteen nonprofits to implement inclusive, collaborative and resourceful solutions that will benefit all our state’s citizens,” says Ginger Niemann, SDCF Senior Program Officer. “Round 2 resulted in over $138,000 being distributed between the selected grantees. We are grateful to the Bush Foundation for their past and continued investment in our state.” 

 Include among the projects the review committee chose to financially support:

 Helping with Horsepower (Mitchell): $10,000

The mission of Helping with Horsepower at Reclamation-Ranch is to assist individuals with special needs and at-risk youth in achieving their goals and full potential through interactions with horses. A program is under development that will partner girls from the Abbott House and other “at risk” individuals with those riders that have physical disabilities or special needs. 

  Spink Area Support Network (Redfield): $10,000

The Spink Area Support Network (SASN) has been hosting meetings since the fall of 2018 to assess and identify key stakeholders in their area that need to be involved in the establishment of a comprehensive critical response protocol. The protocol will focus on agricultural mental health and well-being, natural disasters and community trauma. In addition to protocol development, they will provide training to community crisis management teams.