South Dakotans for Better Marijuana laws looks to correct the message

A proponent group, South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws, has been campaigning for legalization of recreational marijuana.  Campaign manager for the group Matthew Schweich has been busy clarifying points that the opposition has been making.  One of the claims by the opposition said that those charged with minor possession of one ounce or less are not sentenced to prison for those charges.  Schweich said the opponents are missing some points.

Shweich says even without jail time there are still significant consequences for minor marijuana possession.

The South Dakota Chamber of Commerce has come out against IM27 stating they thought it would hurt employment numbers for their membership.  Many opponents of the measure echoed those thought that “no one will want to work”.

South Dakotans for Better Marijuana laws are conducting a statewide tour to register voters and promote Im27.  Go to to find a location to attend.  Huron event is Monday October 17th from 11a to 1p.