South Dakota Pork Leaders Urging Support For King Amendment

The National Pork Producers Council is calling on its members to support the so called King Amendment. The provision would prohibit a state from excluding lawfully produced agricultural products from other states from being sold within its borders. South Dakota Pork President Andrew Arhart of Alpena says the amendment offered by Iowa Representative Steve King is critical in that it protects animal agriculture from activist attacks.


Arhart says the issue is important because the Humane Society of the US opposes it. He says the goal of HSUS is to get rid of animal and production agriculture entirely.


NPPC says HSUS has falsely claimed the amendment could wipe out dozens of state laws on farm animal confinement, puppy mills, horse slaughter, shark finning and even dog meat. The pork groups are asking people to contact their elected officials urging them to support the provision.