South Dakota Implied Consent Law Challenged In Supreme Court


Supreme CourtThe South Dakota Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday on the constituionality of the state’s implied consent law. Assistant Attorney General Jeffery Hallum says not all warrantless searches are against the Constituion…


State vs Shauna Fierro is a Butte County D-U-I case that is challenging the state law that says a driver operating a vehicle must submit to a blood/alcohol test. Fierro’s attorney Ronald Parsons says the Fourth Amendment is clear…


Both sides argued for 20 minutes before Hallum returned for 10 minutes of rebuttal….


A lower court had ruled to exclude blood test results in Fierro’s D-U-I case. The U-S Supreme Court ruled last year in the case of Missouri vs McNeely that a warrant is required before a blood draw can take place, which is the reason for the challenge of South Dakota’s implied consent law.