South Dakota Cleared From NCLB

The State of South Dakota will be allowed to remove itself from most of the more stringent requirements of the “No Child Left Behind” law.  That federal law set rising performance standards for students and schools. The states application for a waiver was approved by the US Department of Education last Friday. 
South Dakota Education Department Secretary Dr. Melody Schopp says applying for the waiver was pretty intense…


[audio:|titles=Melody Schopp 702a]


Schopp says they have the legislative authority in hand to begin the process of setting new accountability rules…

[audio:|titles=Melody Schopp 702b]

Schopp says despite moving away from the NCLB requirements and reports, she expect the new accountability system to give parents a better picture of how schools are performing…

[audio:|titles=Melody Schopp 702c]

She expects the new rules to be in place by next spring.