Sound the Alarm Program Provides 212 New Smoke Alarms for Huron Homes

Huron Volunteer Fire Department Chief Ron Hines spoke to the Huron City Commission last night about the Sound the Alarm program.

On Saturday the fire department partnered with the Red Cross to install free smoke alarms in homes across Huron. Hines says 212 new smoke alarms were installed Saturday in 72 homes.

He says of the 139 existing smoke alarms they encountered only 73 were in working order.

Hines says this is the fifth year the fire department has worked with the Red Cross on the program.

Also last night, commissioner Gary Harrington reminded the public of the need for building permits. He says as the weather warms up more residents will be building fences and sheds and making other improvements to their property.

Mayor Paul Aylward has proclaimed May 11th Letter Carriers Food Drive Day. Residents are asked to leave any non-perishable food it was a wish to donate to the local food pantry in the bag by their mailbox on Saturday.