Sombke And Soren To Lead SDFU

Farmers from the Conde and Lake Preston areas have been elected to lead one of the agricultural organizations in SD.  Doug Sombke of the Conde area was re-elected as president of the SD Farmers Union Saturday by delegates at the family farm organization’s 98th annual state convention held in Aberdeen. Sombke has been president of the Huron-based statewide organization since 2005. He’ll serve a two-year term.  Sombke is a fourth-generation producer who farms with his wife and three sons near Conde.  Wayne Soren, a Lake Preston-area farmer, was elected vice president of the organization. He was appointed to the position in 2011 after former vice president Larry Birgen of Beresford resigned to take a position with the state Farm Service Agency Committee. Soren will also serve a two-year term.  As president and vice president, Sombke and Soren are two of the nine members of the South Dakota Farmers Union state board of directors.