Solem Takes 60% Of Votes For Beadle County Sheriff

Four Sheriff Races were decided in area counties in last nights Election. After a delay in getting numbers in Beadle County, current Sheriff Doug Solem will continue in his current position. Solem had just short of 4200 votes taking nearly 61 and a half percent of the vote. Manny Gonzales held second most of the night before Tony Beerman inched a head in the final vote count 1334 to 1295, with Beerman edging Gonzales for a distance second by about a half percent of the vote. Elsewhere Tom Fridley and Dave Fink easily kept theier jobs as Sheriff with Fridley getting 82 percent of Sanborn County voters approval and Fink getting nearly 70 percent in Aurora County. Jeruald County Deputy Sheriff Jason Weber will take over for a retiring Roger Thompson. Weber beat Troy Swensen, by the closest margin in an area Sheriff’s race 55 -percent to 44-percent.