The Huron City Commission breezed throught their agenda in just over 20 mintues last night. Commissioners approved the use of the trap shooting range for a Pheasants Forever event in August geared toward female hunters. The item debated the longests was a street vacation request filed by developer Dennis Estabrook. Estabrook wants a 110 foot by 66 foot section of Campbell Drive between 22nd and 24th streets vacated so the land could be incorporated into a future lot. City Planner Ralph Borkowski questioned giving up the right of way…
The Commission approved Estabrook’s request with conditions that two easements be included in future planning and that a change of the name of the road to McDonald Drive take place when Estabrook’s land is re-platted. Commissioners also approved seasonal hires for the golf course and approved hiriing a voluenteer for the library. City Engineer Mike Wever told the Commission the James River will continue a slow fall for the next few days. The James at Redfield has crested and Wever says a small increase in the level at Huron may occurr as the crest makes its way south