Short Agenda For City Commission Tonight

The Huron City Commission holds it’s regular weekly meeting tonight. A shorter agenda has the Commission holding two public hearings for special event on-sale alcoholic beverage licenses. Commissioners move right to departmental items to consider authorizing Mayor Paul Aylward and City Planner Ralph Borkowski to sign a Certified Local Government Grant application for Historic Preservation projects. The Commission will consider approval of the annual lease of equipment with Rick Button for the 2014 golf season. Commissioners will consider a hiring recommendation for a full time police officer and to advertise for a part-time airport police officer. A human resource item related to the library is also on the Huron City Commission’s agenda is tonight. A work session is scheduled regarding infrastructure software and there is no scheduled executive session items. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 P-M at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.