Shared Parenting Bill Approved By Senate Committee

A proposed law, known as the Shared Parenting bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday morning. 18 people spoke in favor of Senate Bill 74. One of those was Casey Wilson of Flandreau who says research indicates shared parenting helps in a child’s development…


Grant Houman of Sioux Falls told Senators during the 90-plus minute hearing that he’s spend over 200-thousand dollars in legal fees only to gain six days of monthly custody, He adds shared parenting could help the State in the long run….


Jay Erickson of Rapid City testified in favor of S-B 74 with his 15 year-old son Brennan at his side…


Senator Dan Lederman a sponsor of the bill, says it’s a good place to start…


Two proposed amendments to the proposed legislation were defeated before the bill was passed on a unanimous, seven-zero vote.