Severe Weather Awareness Week: Tornado Safety

As a part of Severe Weather Awareness Week, the National Weather Service will be conducting a statewide tornado drill today (Wednesday April 26th). The tornado drill begins with a test Watch at 10 AM. At 10:15 AM a test Warning will be issued. At that time, tornado sirens will be activated across 



The siren activation criteria for Beadle County is:

  • Projected straight-line winds in excess of 70 mph
  • A tornado within 10 miles of any town, moving in any directionBeadle County Emergency Management Director Zach Nelson reminds you that if a tornado warning is issued move to the lowest room ofthe building you’re in. A basement is best, but if none is available move to an interior room, closet or bathroom. Get as much cover between you and the outside as possible. Plumbing in a bathroom adds strength to the walls and bathtubs with a mattress on top is good cover. Get as low to the ground as you can and use blankets to protect yourself from flying debris. Stay away from windows. Cover your head and neck. A bike helmet, football, baseball or motor sport helmet can provide suitable protection. If you’re in a vehicle, leave it and get to a low area, like a ditch or culvert. The only time driving from a tornado is recommended is IF…you observe the tornado for a few moments to determine it’s course and IF…you know the road network and will be able to drive away from it. Leaving your vehicle is still the best thing to do.