This is Severe Weather Awareness week in South Dakota. Beadle County Emergency Management Director Tom Moeding says, this is week is a good time to consider what you would do when a tornado warning is issued….
Tornado sirens are designed as an OUTDOOR warning system and says when people hear them, they tend to do the opposite of what they should…
[audio:|titles=svrwxwk2]Sirens in Beadle County will be sounded for tornadoes and for straight line winds of 70 miles an hour or more. The National Weather Service will conduct a tornado drill tomorrow morning with a test Tornado Watch issued at 10 AM with a test Tornado Warning issued at 10:15. Sirens will be sounded in all towns in Beadle County at that time for approximately 3 minutes. For more on Severe Weather Awareness Week, an interview with Tom Moeding is posted in the audio player below…
[audio:|titles=2011 svr wx talk](All content copyrighted by Performance Radio. No unauthorized use)