Having canine companions in your home has been shown to be very beneficial, that along with the impact and abilities they have to affect our lives. That is what National Service Dog month recognizes each September. Ashley Lindgren, MSW with True Reflections Counseling defines two areas that dogs are used.
Different than emotional support dogs, service dogs are trained for specific tasks for people with disabilities.
The American with Disabilities Act outlines what businesses, state and local governments must do to make sure that they do not discriminate against a member of the public with a disability who uses a service animal.
Under the ADA guidelines service dogs must be harnessed, leashed or tethered unless the individuals disability prevents using these devices or the device interferes with the service animals safe, effective performance of tasks. The leashes and harnesses are most often well marked that it is a service dog. More tomorrow with Ashley Lindgren as she will talk about what you should keep in mind when coming in contact with a service dog.