Senate Committee Opens Debate On Elder Abuse Package Of Bills

legislatureThe Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday took up the recommendations from the Elder Abuse Task Force, packaged as Senate Bill 54.  The task force was formed at the request of  South Dakota Supreme Court Chief Justice David Gilbertson.  The bill includes provisions covering emotional psychological and financial abuse.  Jim Seward is General Councel in the Governor’s Office.  He says Governor Dennis Daugaard supports the bill.


Justice Steven Zinter chaired the task force.  Curt Everson of the South Dakota Banker’s Association says they were pleased to be represented on the task force…


Eric Nelson is the lobbyist for A-A-R-P South Dakota. He says “South Dakota is a leader among states…


No one spoke against the bill.  The committee will hold the measure until they can get a report on the possible impact on counties and jails of increased criminal prosecutions.