Second Man Charged In County Wide Burglary Spree Pleads Guilty

A plea deal has been reached with another of the four men charged in a county wide burglary spree in February. Marcus Erickson pleaded guilty Friday to three counts of second degree burglary. Erickson was facing a total of eight charges in Beadle County and a single charge in Sanborn County related to the spree. The 29-year-old’s attorney David Wheeler says four of the burglary charges and a charge of receiving stolen property are being dismissed in the deal. Sanborn County officials will dismiss their charges against Erickson as a part of the deal. Erickson was facing additional charges in Beadle County on an unrelated matter. Those charges are also being dropped by Beadle County. In that case, Erickson is representing himself. Erickson could face up to 45 years in prison and up to 120-thousand dollars in fines when sentenced. Judge Tim Tucker has ordered a pre-sentence investigation and set sentencing for July 19th. On May 24th, Cody Weed also pleaded guilty to three counts of second degree burglary in the case. He is awaiting sentencing. The other two, Shoua Lee and See Vang remain in the Beadle County Jail after being arrested May 16th on unrelated drug charges while out on bond.