SDSGA Opposing Proposed GFP Rule To Add Restrictions To Snaring On Public Lands

The South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Commission will be holding a hearing at their meeting in Aberdeen this week on proposed restrictions to snaring on public lands. South Dakota Stockgrowers Association Executive Director Silvia Christen says the proposed rule, if adopted will make it difficult for producers to control predators on public lands.

She says one of the reasons for the rule is that a hunting dog was trapped in a snare during pheasant hunting season. Christen says the dog wasn’t injured and it’s one thing to put restrictions on snaring where hunting is occurring, it’s another to do it on public lands.

Christen says the proposed rule isn’t reasonable and would create predator control problems for the state’s livestock producers.

Christen says Stockgrowers sent a letter to the Game Fish and Parks Commission outlining their concerns and opposition to the rule.