A virtual public meeting is being held now for the proposed project to reconstruct SD highway 37 in Huron from 3rd st north to 9th street south.  The project is scheduled for 2024 with a comment period underway now.  The presentation lists a project map and video of the plans that have two options being considered for the area between 5th street and Market Street.  Huron Area engineer with the SD Dot Brad Letcher said neither option calls for diagonal parking .

The plans for 5th street to 9th street call for the removal of trees including along Campbell park.  Letcher talks about the impact of the project on trees.

He talks about what the planning takes into consideration.

The virtual presentation mentions the possibility of old construction that would need to be addressed.  He said there are a few examples of stabilization that will need to be done.

Letcher said they are hoping to have a lot of public comments on the plans.  SD Dot is requesting public input on the downtown options.

The virtual presentation is available at, click on the public meetings circle and select SD 37 in Huron.  Comment period is open through February 5th.