SD Corn Growers Head Hopeful Trade Issues With Mexico Can Be Resolved

A Mexican trade delegation recently signed a deal to source two 30,000 metric ton shipments of corn from Brazil. And Mexico is expected to import a record amount of corn from Brazil this year. South Dakota Corn Growers Association President Troy Knecht of Houghton says Mexico has been an important customer for U.S. corn and he’s hoping this trade problem can be resolved.

He’s hoping with Robert Lighthizer now serving as U.S. Trade Representative and a new USDA Undersecretary for trade yet to be named, they’ll be able to help the U.S. achieve trade gains going forward.

Knecht says hopefully the administration will renegotiate NAFTA in a way that keeps U.S. agriculture and the corn industry from being hurt.

Knecht says NAFTA has been good for U.S. corn growers and hopefully during its modernization the U.S. will be able to resolve any trade differences we’ve had with Mexico.