School Board Gets Look At Buchanan As Renovations Move Forward

The Huron School Board got to look over the proposed expansion of the Buchanan K-through-one center Monday Night. Jeff Hazard of Koch-Hazard Architects in Sioux Falls used a presentation complete with three-dimensional drawings of what the expanded Buchanan is expected to look like after renovations are completed. The front entrance will not on have a pleasing look, but will be practically safe…


Hazard say they continue to look for cost savings in project. One such avenue is delaying a bid on kitchen equipment…


Most of the room for financial savings seems to be in materials for construction…


Hazard says the bidding of the Buchanan project may be more complex that the bidding done on two previous expansions of Madison Elementary School…


The expansions will include three wings, two of which are for class room space. Kindergarten and first grade will have their own wings with 13 classrooms per wing. The Huron School Board approved the advertising of bids for the project. Hazard expects bids to be awarded in September, with construction starting shortly thereafter.