The four men running for two spots on the Huron School Board had their chance to explain themselves to voters Saturday at a candidate forum sponsored by the Governmental Affairs Committee of the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau. The candidates all said House Bill 1234 had some good provisions and flaws. The subject of school district payments to former Superintendent Ross Opsal came up in the discussion. Current board members Steve Fryburger and Tim Van Berkum said about all they could

say, which was not much given the fact that the agreement with Opsal was sealed and the only way they could speak about it was if Opsal and is lawyers allowed it. Van Berkum says none of the the board members were happy with the decision yet a unanimous vote for approval was given. Challenger Brian Hines says the Opsal issue is something he would try and change by working to make the School Board more transparent. Fellow challenger David Wheeler, a lawyer, says executive sessions are not required and MAY be used by a governing board, but added they are important to protect school boards and employees. The School Board election is April 10th. Due to technical issues, audio of the School Board Forum was obtained but is not suitable for air due to poor quality