Santfleben Gets Four Years For Homemade Napalm Bomb

The 41-year-old Huron man who’s heavy drinking in the early morning hours of April 20th led to a stand off with police over the homemade napalm bomb he made, will spend the next four years thinking about that night in the State Penitentiary. Judge Jon Erickson sentenced Christopher Santfleben to four years in the pen with credit for the single day he spent in the Beadle County Jail before posting bond. Santfleben’s court appointed attorney, Kent Shelton, told Erickson that his client is a soft-spoken, intelligent and is quote “Quite frankly a nice guy”. He told the Court that alcohol abuse is Santfleben’s only problem, and that he is near completion of an alcohol program. The pre-sentence investigation revealed a number of letters of support for Santfleben from family and friends. One of the letters was from a woman friend who suffers from multiple sclerosis who Shelton indicated Santfleben was her only help. Shetlon requested county jail time, if time behind bars was required. Beadle County Deputy States Attorney Jeff Banks said Santfleben created a situation that had the potential to be dangerous that his actions that night could have killed somebody. Banks also said jail time may be a “wake up call” for Santfleben. For his part Erickson himself cited Santflebens extensive criminal record and asked quote “What’s it gonna take to get your attention ” Santfleben’s family was present during sentencing. He handed over his keys and cellphone to them before being taken into custody by deputies.