Rules Review Committee Meets One More Time Before New Session

The Rules Review Committee of the South Dakota Legislature meets tomorrow  in Pierre.  This group looks over and gives the final approval to rules needed by state agencies. It’s the final interim committee meeting of the 2012 session.  Senator Jean Hunhoff of Yankton is the committee chair…

Jean Hunhoff 1218a 

Hunhoff says one rule that has bounced around a bit has to do with the Game, Fish and Parks Department, and a big horn sheep license they want to auction off…

Jean Hunhoff 1218b 

Hunhoff says they did not get much specific information on how the money from the auction would be used.  Another rule deals with tourism signs, and how and where they are used…

Jean Hunhoff 1218c 

Hunhoff says several of those issues could surface again in the 2013 session of the legislature.