Rules On The Way To Keep Unwanted Aquatic Creatures Out Of South Dakota Water Bodies

GFPNew rules are being implemented in South Dakota waterways in the way that water and boats are handled. The new rules are directed at eliminating the spread of aquatic invasive species between the state’s lakes. Mike Smith is the Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with the Game, Fish and Parks Department. He says the rules were developed after the discovery of two invasive species of mussels in two of the state’s lakes…

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After finding a single adult zebra mussel on a boat, Lewis and Clark Lake is on the ‘suspect’ list for infestation. Quagga mussels were found in Angostura Reservoir. These rules, which will take affect soon, are designed to prevent these mussels from moving into other bodies of water by means of boats and fishing recreation…

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Smith says violation of these rules will be a class two misdemeanor. Anyone with questions can contact the GF&P to find out more information about the rules and about the state’s aquatic invasive species.