Rounds Says Republicans Likely To Counter Obama Budget With GOP Proposal

rmike roundsPresident Obama is sending Congress a $4 trillion budget that seeks to raise taxes on wealthier Americans and corporations and use the extra income to lift the fortunes of families who have felt squeezed during tough economic times.  The budget released Monday would also ease tight budget constraints imposed on the military and domestic programs back in 2011. And it unveils new initiatives, including an ambitious $478 billion public works program for highway, bridge and transit upgrades.  South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds says republicans may come back with their own budget proposal…

Mike Rounds 202a

Rounds says he wants to see more money go toward defense…

Mike Rounds 202b

Rounds says they will have to find a middle ground with their priorities in mind……

Mike Rounds 202c

The Presidents fiscal blueprint, for the budget year that begins Oct. 1, proposes spending $4 trillion and projects revenues of $3.53 trillion.