Rotating Towing Proposal Rejected By City Commission

A new way to award the 2013 towing contract from the City of Huron failed to win approval of the Huron City Commission as commissioners held their year-end meeting Monday afternoon. Commissioner Mark Robish and Chief of Police Gary Will, Jr. proposed rotating on a monthly basis, the use of Lincoln Auto Salvage and Rudy’s Towing and Repair for towing needs in the city. Commissioner Kerwin Haeder was leery of the idea…


Haeder believes the city should follow state laws regarding the use of the Request For Proposal process which requires sealed bids for proposals over 25-thousand dollars…


City Attorney Gerry Kaufman told the Commission they could use either option…


The vote was three-to-one with Robish voting in favor of and Haeder, Jan Manolis and Dale Schneider voting against. Schneider was chairing the City Commission meeting as Mayor Dave McGirr was out of town.  The Commission will take up the 2013 towing proposal at it’s next meeting.  In the mean time the City is looking to extend the deal with it’s current towing vendor.