Rose: 50 Years For Rape

A Huron man is headed to prison after being sentenced Thursday afternoon during an emotional hearing at the Beadle County Courthouse…


Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore told Judge Vince Foley during sentencing that 66 year old John Rose had a callous attitude toward the case at times blaming the victim, an 11 year old family member, for the crimes that Rose documented with, as Moore put it, hundreds of photos and videos. Defense attorney Jeff Burns said while he was not advocating what his client did he said the actual contact that brought the rape charge was not overly sexual and that Rose has been a law abiding citizen for most of is life. He pleaded with Foley to include rehabilitation as part of Rose’s sentence. Rose son Eric spoke to Foley pleading for a lenient sentence. The victim’s mother also spoke to the court, tears streaming down her face saying she instilled forgiveness in her daughter and hope he finds God and remorse for his actions. She said quote. One day I will forgive him but that day is not today.” Foley stared directly at Rose calling him a monster and that it was nobody’s fault but his own. He called Rose a “blamer” for blaming, the victim, a camera and law enforcement for his causing his issues. Foley said quote “Rehab is not a possibility for you.” Moore says the sentence, which will make Rose parole eligible, was appropriate…


Rose was indicted last December on 36 counts and was set for trial in October, when on the day the trial was set to begin he reached a deal pleading to a single count of first-degree rape. Rose could have been giving life in prison. If Rose were to serve out his 50 year sentence he would be released when he is 116 years old.