Ringneck Energy Ethanol Plant Near Onida Now Fully Operational

Ringneck Energy’s ethanol plant near Onida, South Dakota is now fully operational. They broke ground four years ago and the plant is now turning 80,000 bushels of corn a day into 225,000 gallons of ethanol. Ringneck CEO, President and Chairman Walt Wendlund says they take pride in a fully trained staff and great leadership.

He says one advantage they have is farmers in their area made good progress planting as fields dried out quicker than in other areas of the state.

Wendlund says they produce ethanol for both the domestic and export markets. One of their biggest concerns is getting the trade war settled with China because its a great potential market for their ethanol.

Wendlund says they also sell a lot of ethanol to Canada and hope to sell to Mexico soon. He says ratification of the USMCA would help with that.