Republican State Lawmaker Accuses Congressman Johnson of Intimidation

A Republican state lawmaker has accused Dusty Johnson of trying to intimidate her out of a rumored primary challenge against Senator Mike Rounds.

State Representative Scyller Borglum in Rapid City says she was stunned by Johnson’s threats during a recent meeting in Rapid City.

Borglum claims Congressman Johnson pressured her by referring to negative research Senator Rounds campaign would collect against her, and how she would be boxed out of future political endeavors. She says that she told Johnson in the meeting that she has no intention of running against Rounds.

Johnson denies making any threats in the meeting and says he is baffled by Borglum’s version of what happened at their meeting.

Johnson says he’s had hundreds of meetings over the years to “talk shop” about politics and this is the first time he’s gotten this sort of reaction.