Report Pushes Need For Stable Homes For Children In Difficult Situations

SDDSSA report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation says that in tough times, kids do better in families, and have the best chance for success in life.  The report, “Every Kid Needs a Family: Giving Children in the Child Welfare System the Best Chance for Success,” highlights sobering statistics that point to the urgent need to ensure, through sound policies and proven practices, that everything possible is being done to find loving, nurturing and supportive families to help raise more of these children.  Carole Cochran, project director with South Dakota Kids Count, says kids thrive in a stable environment.


The report shows of the 1,265 children removed from their homes in South Dakota, 80 were in a family placement, with 20 in a non-family setting.  Cochran says while families should be the first choice, sometimes relatives could step in.


Cochran says group settings should be a last choice.


The report points how policy can be improved by increasing service options, strengthening the pool of families and keeping residential treatment short.