Rental Housing Registration Ordinance Passed By City Commission

Landlords filled the Huron City Commission room Monday night. Some grumbled under their breath in the back of the room, but most stayed silent as the Huron City Commission approved an ordinance regarding rental housing units in Huron. City Attorney Gerry Kaufman highlighted changes made to the ordinance since it’s first reading two weeks ago….


The second reading was deferred two weeks while some landlords who claimed they didn’t know about the ordinance had a chance to speak with Kaufman to clarify what was in the ordinance. One of those questions related to the transfer of ownership of a rental property…


Building Inspector Roger Bell says the intention of the ordinance is to make sure renters are in safe properties…


The ordinance also outlines that tenants will be held responsible if they cause a structure to become unsafe, a provision many rental owners had questions about…


The Commission also approved a resolution setting the fees for registering a rental unit. Permits can be purchased for one, two or three years. Kaufman added that early registration could be cheaper for landlords. The City and City Planning worked on the ordinance for 14 months and had nine meetings between them that had the ordinance mentioned on agendas.