Remembering Officers Who Gave All

Photo: Huron PD

This week law enforcement agencies across the country are recognizing National Police Week. Today is Peace Officers Memorial Day, the day officers and the citizens they protect, step back to remember those who gave all to keep us safe…


Huron police officer Cory Borg says Wal-Mart donated a memorial wreath that is sitting at the base of the stoic granite slab that bears the names of Clifford Hawley, Virgil Deyo and Thomas Callies. Borg says for officers like himself, it’s a constant reminder of the reality of police work….


Borg says people should take a moment today or this week to step back and remember the sacrifice of not only the three Huron officers killed in the line of duty but for law enforcement members everywhere killed on the job. The law enforcement training center at the Campus Center in Huron bears the name of Sergeant Thomas Callies, whose End of Watch is March 30th 1982. Clifford Hawley was killed September ninth, 1909 and is resting in Howard. Virgil Deyo’s End of Watch is listed as November 29th, 1966.