Regents Focused On Keeping Tuition Down


scheifferThe South Dakota Board of Regents is close to sending off their budget request to the 2015 legislature.  The board that operates the six state universities is requesting an eighteen million dollar increase in their general operating fund, totaling one hundred ninety eight million dollars.  Regent Kevin Schieffer (she-fer) of Sioux Falls says holding down tuition is their top budget priority…

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That alone is a five million dollar request.  Schieffer says students have been bearing much more of the financial load…

Kevin Schieffer 825b

Schieffer says they also moved up their request for the facilities fund…

Kevin Schieffer 825c

Other large increases include more money for the medical school at USD, a student success initiative and a jump in utility payments.  Regents will meet again next month to discuss their short and long term goals.