Two bills that would address the upcoming redistricting of the legislature were deferred to the South Dakota Legislature’s final day. Representative Peggy Gibson of Huron presented a bill that would create single member house districts…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2011/01/redist1.mp3|titles=redist1]Gibson sited confusion among voters as another reason why single member districts should be allowed. Representative Bernie Hunhoff of Yankton agrees that it can be confusing for voters…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2011/01/redist2.mp3|titles=redist2]Representative Dean Wick, who brought a substitute motion to defer the bill to the sessions last day thinks the bill is to restrictive…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2011/01/redistr3.mp3|titles=redistr3]The Bill had the support of the South Dakota Farmers Union saying the bill would be better for rural districts. House Bill 1101 which was also brought by Gibson and called for a bi-partian committee to conduct the redistricting of legislative boundaries was also deferred to the last day of the session