Recycling Program Continues To Gain

The City of Huron’s recycling program is continuing to slowly grow. Solid Waste Superintendent Dale Fortin told the Huron City Commission Monday night, the single stream recylcing effort hit a milestone recently….


Fortin says styrofoam was the most common material found that is NOT allowed as a recyclable material and film plastic like shopping bags. Those are allowed but should be bagged in a see-through bag and tied. Shredded paper was also found not bagged as it needs to be. All of the blue and yellow recycling containers ordered by the city have been distributed….


Fortin says only three containers have been found empty. Putting out a can that is not one-third full is considered a violation. Large three-yard containers for multi-family dwellings, like apartments are also ready to be distributed….


Fortin says they want to get the bigger three-yard containers to multi-family dwellings first and will then work on placing them a businesses and locations such as the high school and other city facilities.