Rates Set For Splash Central

People wanting to go one-on-one with Huron’s Master Blaster, now know how much they must pay, in order to play. The Huron City Commission approved both daily admission and season pass rates Monday Night. Mayor Dave McGirr says the rates of nine municipal water parks in South Dakota and five regional private water park facilities where looked at in coming up with the rates for the Splash Central Water Park…


McGirr says season passes will likely need to be purchased in advance…


Commissioner Kerwin Haeder presented the proposed rates to the Commission…


As noted non-swimmer would be charged six-dollars to get into Splash Central. Extensive conversation was held about the computer programs the could be used to keep track of park visitors. McGirr says residents may get an exclusive look at what’s happening at the site of the former Huron University Campus…


McGirr says specifics will be released to the media when the times and date for the tours are available.