November 13th marked 10 years since the disappearance of Rachel Cyriacks from Woonsocket.


A search of the James River that began earlier in November continued on Tuesday and Wednesday.  It was released that dive teams were searching a location in the river northeast of Huron.  Search crews were following up on leads on the missing Woonsocket woman.  Rachel Cyriacks was said to have last been seen in Mitchell at Performance Pet on November 13 2013.  She also traveled to Huron in a silver chevy pick up to get Brad Cyriacks at the Beadle county Jail after being released from time served on a protection order violation.  The protection order was filed by Rachel and should still have been in place after the jail time.

In court papers Rachel stated that Brad hit her, dragged her by her hair and threatened her with a knife.  She added that he slept with a knife in one hand and me in the other.  After the protection order was granted, court document stated that Brad said he was going to bury her where no one could find her.  Documents also stated that Brad told Rachel about ways he would kill her.  He threatened to suffocate her, burn her, put her remains in cement or feed her to the hogs.  He also said he would drop her body in Travis Griffith, dad’s well.

She was not listed as a missing person through the Sanborn County Sheriff’s office until December 16 over one month after she was last seen.  Two days later on December 18th Brad Cyriacks and the pickup were located at a location next to Edney Distributing in Huron.  The Griffith Bee Farm included two building in the back of the lot that belonged to the father of a friend of Brad Cyriacks, Travis Griffith and were used to house and stock commercial bee boxes.  Dci agents spoke with Cyriacks and cleared the vehicle from the missing person record for Rachel.  At that time Brad was said to not be a suspect.  The location where Cyriacks and the pickup were located is a short drive from the spot being searched this week.  That riverside location in 2013 was also near property owned by Griffith.


In April of 2014 the Woonsocket home where Cyriacks lived was vandalized with two separate phrases one an expletive possibly directed at law enforcement and the other said ironically “riverside for life”. **


A social media blitz of leaked information about the search has made searching more difficult due to curiosity seekers.  Huron Radio news will have more information as it is made public by the attorney generals office and law enforcement.

**Credit to Tom Lawrence with thedailybeast.com