Public Safety Committee To Talk Texting Ban In Huron Tuesday

It passed in Sioux Falls and it may be considered for Huron. The Huron Public Safety Committee will take up the issue of banning texting and driving within Huron City Limits Tuesday. The Sioux Falls City Council passed a similar ban, which will go into effect on September 28th. The Huron Public Safety Committee can only make a recommendation to the Huron City Commission. Only the City Commission can take action on the Public Safety Committee’s recommendation. Public input at the Public Safety Meeting is encouraged. The Public Safety Committee is meeting Tuesday at 11:30 AM at the Huron Municipal Building. You can share your thoughts with us. The latest Performance Radio News Poll on Facebook asks. Would you support a City Wide Ban on texting while driving in Huron.  Stop by the Performance Radio News page on Facebook and cast your vote. We’ll have the results next Monday.